Develop mastery in your craft as an Equine Guided Facilitator
Our Advanced Training and Mentorship program brings together the core philosophy of horse medicine leadership to support seasoned practitioners in building a deeper space of mastery and confidence in their practice and partnership with their horses.
You will also be supported in building a business that feels purposeful and sustainable to you and your horses that reflects your authentic vision of success.
The birth of this program was created in connection to having people approach us over the years seeking mentorship, not just in their business, but also in helping them build more skills in how they hold space for this work.
We have a different approach to how we facilitate the work with horses and that has resonated for equine guided practitioners who are looking for a different approach.
The intention of our Advanced Training and Mentorship options were created to fill the need for equine guided practitioners who are seeking both the support for growing their practice and developing their business acumen plus the advancement of their skills in facilitation and personal leadership.
As with our certification program, our advanced training and mentorship program can be taken in a private setting or with a group dynamic.
This program is intended for those who are committed to developing a mastery in their craft as an equine guided facilitator and coach.
You are committed and want to grow and establish the success of your equine practice and business.You have a vision and desire to have your practice sustain and support you and your horses and be able to have a solid and purposeful financial contribution to your life.
Advanced Training & Mentorship Program
What is different about this program from others?
The uniqueness of this program is that it centers around our partnership and relationship with our horses and the horses that we will be working with.
Elevating their teaching and how we empower and allow them to lead alongside our own unique gifts that we bring to the space.
Allowing the horses to lead means that we let go of what our agenda is in this space and learn to deepen and trust the language and wisdom of horses as our co-facilitators and guides on this path.
The other place of uniqueness in this training is the development and empowerment of your unique medicine alongside the horses.
This includes the development of your facilitation skills towards a level of mastery that transcends just learning about how to facilitate an exercise or activity, but rather rooted in true facilitation and leadership skills that will inspire your confidence in the mastery of what you hold alongside the horses.
And lastly we hold a passion and a purpose of mentorship and supporting women on this path that are wanting to create and establish a successful practice in partnership with horses. This is not a place to just be dabbling in or visions, but actually creating them and stepping into them.
Alongside the deepening of how we hold space and facilitate alongside horses we will also be supporting the creation of the authentic vision of success of your practice.
This work is powerful, but it is not enough to just be learning it, you need to be actually walking this work out into the world in a way that is sustainable to you and your herd, and also that reflects your desired success.
We will be looking at all the facets of your practice and business and supporting your development in what it looks like for you to hold the vision of your authentic success alongside the horses.
Where are you that this program is aligned for you?
You have been dabbling in this path for a few years and are now serious about creating a practice that is supportive and sustaining and owning your voice and path alongside the horses. You are ready to own your vision and leadership and build your practice to where you desire it to be.
You already have some kind of training in the field of equine guided facilitation and learning, or a strong experience of horses and or coaching.
This is not beginner training so you are coming with having already done development is an important qualification in this program.
You feel as though you are missing some pieces around holding horses as partners and also your facilitation skills.
You do not feel as confident as you would like and are wanting to develop to hone your mastery in the space of facilitation and coaching with horses as your partners.
You are in a place where you are able to invest in yourself, your development and also your business and are committed to creating your practice with this call and purpose to horses.
You are looking for a program that will inspire your confidence and give permission to how you uniquely lead and affirm how you feel called to this path and that will call you forward in your potential and vision of success.
You are able to commit to a year of training plus a retreat and resonate with our philosophy of how we teach and mentor in horse medicine leadership.
You do have to have access to horses for the training and practicum of this program.
“Always awakening to new levels of me and my life’s work. “
This would be my bumper sticker that captures my experience with Hillary, the Herd, and the Horse Medicine Leadership Academy.
The horses lead the space (truly) and I feel that has had the most significant impact on my own personal growth, development, and integration of horse wisdom. It is also congruent with how I desire to hold partnership with horses; in a way of mutual respect and benefit to both the horse and human. Hillary’s horse first approach is unmatched by any other programs I’ve researched and it supports the true essence, wisdom, and magic coming forward from the horses to the client (and student). Hillary is a solid guide, mentor and facilitator who truly listens to the horses, to you, and knows when to offer more guidance and support and when to simply just “be there.” My growth has never been rushed or manipulated in this container-only supported and encouraged and that has increased my confidence and brought the greatest amount of authenticity possible to my journey.
Being held in this approach has exposed my deepest levels of growth and authenticity so far in my own life, abilities, and purpose as a human, guide, and facilitator. And it continues to grow and evolve both in my personal life and in my business.
It is truly first hand, in the moment, experiential learning which is what, I believe, makes it so powerful and effective. If you are looking for a formulaic and specific outcome based approach, and for someone to tell you how to “do this work” look elsewhere. If you want a guide and program that is 100% horse centered, rooted in intuition, that honors the individual and collective (horse and human), and will meet you where you are and deliver what YOU need then look no further than the Horse Medicine Leadership Academy. This program will develop you as a wiser and more authentic person and true partner with the horses. It will support your dream of bringing horse wisdom to the forefront of human growth and development in a way that honors the sacredness of both horse and human.
Susan C Jackson
Apex, North Carolina
How the program is facilitated:
Our Advanced training and mentorship is a year long training and mentorship program that combines online mentorship and training with two - three in-person teaching retreats. We will assess how many retreats are needed once you enter into the program.
You begin with coming to an advanced training retreat, once you attend a retreat you can decide if you would like to explore receiving a certificate in our training, or that you feel coming to an advanced retreat is enough of a deepening of training you are looking for.
We believe in honoring each unique path of those that come to our training and so we map out your individual journey once you come to a teaching retreat, from there we explore your options of a continued training that would include:
Access to our online Community Mentorship Calls
Access to our horse medicine leadership modules and training textbook.
Access to Journey of Equus program.
Receiving a certificate of completion in horse medicine leadership
What we cover in the training:
Deepening of our Partnership and Language with Horses:
Establishing our relationships and partnership with our horses.
Letting our horses lead, how do we elevate the wisdom of our horse partners.
Learning the unique teachings and medicine of our horse partners.
Personal Mastery and Self Leadership:
Anchoring into our self leadership practices.
Owning our personal medicine and unique vision with our practice.
Delving into the invitation around what we are being asked to master in ourselves and in our personal leadership spaces.
Creating practice and ritual for self mastery.
Facilitation Mastery and Leadership Skills:
Establishing clear boundaries in our practice with our clients.
Creating Sacred Space with our herd and clients.
Reading the space and trusting our intuitive urges.
Co-Leading with our horses: how do we empower the space of co-leading with our equine partners.
Managing agenda and insecurities as a facilitator: self management
Integrating the teaching and wisdom of the session with our clients.
Developing the confidence in our innate and unique skills as a practitioner.
Reading the mirroring and language of our horses and interpreting for our clients.
Guiding a session vs leading a session
Activity and Exercise Creation and Development:
Creating a vision for our practice and clients that feel aligned for ourselves and our horses.
Re-learning how to hold activities and exercises in a way that honors our horses.
Landing the Learning in our sessions
Creating activities and exercises around teachings that will impact our clients
Growing our toolbox of horse lead activities and exercises
Business Mentorship and Development:
Identifying our ideal clients
Creating a model of business that is supportive and sustainable
Creating our offerings and programs
Pricing our offerings
Growing and building our collective and community.
Social Media and Intuitive Marketing
Identifying our strengths as a businesswoman
Creating Virtual Experiences with our Herd
How do you begin your journey into advanced training?
How you enter into our advanced training is unique to each individual, we always encourage you to start with a teaching retreat and from there we can assess what your journey will look like.
Applying below will allow us to begin the process of orientation for you and for us to assess what retreat is a good starting place for you and what it looks like to step into the advanced training with us.
You must have a foundation of other training to step into before you enrol to the advanced training program.
You will receive a certificate of completion from us after going through the program, as well as be featured in our alumni on our website and get access to alumni programs for on going learning and community should you desire it.
To apply click the button below and we can get started on your journey!

To qualify for our Advanced Training & Mentorship program, you must have completed a previous certification program in equine practitioner program and or coaching or facilitation training, and be currently building a practice, or growing it.
This is not a beginner program, to qualify for this program you must have one of the above training that you have already completed.
You will also need to have a strong base and experience with horses you are not a beginner around horses.
You do not need to have your own horses or facility to join this program.
If you do not qualify based on the above our Horse Medicine Leadership Certification Training will be the better fit for you in our training programs.
Please see our certification tab for more info.
Your investment in the Advanced Training and Mentorship Includes:
12 months of online mentorship and training
Two - three 4-day Training Retreats
Accommodation and Meals (if attending at Epona)*
All training materials
$10,000 CDN + taxes. (with two retreats)
$13,500 + taxes (with three retreats)
(extended payment plans are available, you can also begin with the
online training portion and attend retreats at a later date)
If you decided to start with the online training only and then do retreats at a later date you may separate the retreat investment from the online mentorship portion. If you choose to just do the online mentorship option you would not receive a certification in the training, but you can choose to do the online mentorship option only.
Investment for the online mentorship only is $3500 CDN.
(payment plans available)
At the completion of the year long training you will receive a certificate of completion in Horse Medicine Leadership Academy, advanced training.
The certificate and going through this training also enables you to become faculty if you choose to and feel called to also teach this work.
You must complete and attend the two training retreats to complete the program and there are a few options of what that looks like and when those training retreats can be attended.
This program is by application only so we can both ensure that this is the right fit and program for all.
Please apply below and we will be in touch with next steps.
I stumbled backwards into Horse Medicine Leadership, not really knowing what it was and holding a huge dose of skepticism around how it could be different from other experiences I’d had in the equine-guided facilitation world.
All I knew was that my horses were nudging me toward this path and so I (somewhat reluctantly) followed their guidance. What I didn’t know what that HML was the missing piece I had been searching for within my equine bodywork practice.
As I began to explore the HML philosophy and way of being with horses, I realized that this was the work I was trying to bring forward within my bodywork practice. But at that time, I didn’t have the tools and languaging to properly share this way of honouring horses with my clients and students.
And so my skepticism quickly dissipated and in its place I felt a deep sense of community and belonging. I felt completely at home within myself while in the space of this work, especially during my training retreats with Hillary and the Epona Rise herd.
When I brought this work home to my herd it was like they all breathed a collective sigh of relief. I was finally understanding the work they wanted to pursue together.
As I began bringing clients in for equine-guided coaching sessions, I witnessed my herd in ways I never had before. The ways they stepped up for these people and shared their wisdom in support of them was incredible to experience. Not to mention the ways in which they worked together to make sure the client understood the messages and medicine the herd had for them.
Every session was truly extraordinary and each time my heart burst open with even more love for them.
My experience in Horse Medicine Leadership training was life-changing and transformational at a foundational level. So much so that I am now a member of the HMLA faculty! And now I get to witness my horses as teachers to the incredible women who have come forward to learn how to facilitate this work with their own horses.
Let me tell you, it has been one crazy magical journey!
All of the programs offered through HMLA have been developed alongside horses with the utmost respect and reverence for them as sentient beings with unique wisdom and medicine to share. The HML philosophy believes in horses as teachers, not horses as tools. This work is practiced and held in highest foundational integrity of true partnership and co-creation between horse and human.
If you are looking for a way to partner with horses in a way that honours their innate medicine and wisdom, and embraces them exactly as they are without asking them to dampen their inner fire, I wholeheartedly recommend training through Horse Medicine Leadership Academy.
Angela Saieva
Website: http://equineelevation.com/